Maybe you can help me. I recently read two stories that cause me feel like my opinions on these issues make me a hypocrite. I know that they are not the same issue but the similarity is there, and yet,I can't put my finger on what is bothering me .
Issue #1
The Israeli Supreme Court ruled this week that the ministry of health can not order hospitals to prevent people from bringing Chametz ( unleavened bread) on Passover.
When I first heard about this the first thing I thought -
Is this a thing?
What did the they think gave them the right to try to do that anyway. A hospital is a facility that gives services to all citizens regardless of religion let alone level of religious observance.
Why would anyone think that was OK for a minute. It is like saying everyone who comes into the hospital has to keep the sabbath.
Talk about religious coercion
Issue #2
The United States Supreme court heard a case this week brought by the State of Pennsylvania against the Little Sisters of the Poor.
The Little Sisters are a Catholic Organization that runs hospitals. They do not want to pay for health care for their employees that covers birth control. They believe that it is against their faith.
They are of course correct. Why should a religious organization be forced to do something against their religion.
Talk about secular coercion.
See the problem.
I know that there are many reasons why these are not the same.
The sisters are being asked to do something against their religion. The hospitals are being asked to do something for a particular group within a particular religion.
and a dozen more
Yet, I have this nagging feeling that somehow these are the same and I can not reconcile it.
I don't want to be a hypocrite. Please tell why I am not ( you can even tell me if I am).
Speaking of hypocrites. I am trying to find someone, anyone, who can tell me why a man's entire reputation and career were almost completely destroyed due to the uncorroborated allegations of one woman and another man can still run for president with his reputation intact for the exact same thing.
I have gotten into some real heated conversations with daughters of friends of mine ( who most likely won't talk to me again) with the Kavenaugh thing, so I don't feel comfortable asking them.
My left wing daughter won't discuss politics with me.
My only point at that time, and what I still believe, is that the backbone of american legal system is that you are innocent until PROVEN guilty.
At the time I was told that I don't understand what it is like being on an american college campus feeling like I can get raped at any minute.
That was true enough.
However, causing injustice to one set of people does not correct injustice for other people.
Taking away the presumption of innocence for one group of people will not be good for anyone in the long run.
So I am asking for help
I never really ask for anyone's opinion as I really don't care ( kidding) but I would like to get some thoughts on these two issues.
Maybe I will learn something new
I doubt it but you never know.