Is the End in Sight?
I knew it had been a long time since I last wrote but I hadn't realized it was 7 weeks. So much has happened during that time.
Israel went into a second lockdown.
Israel is slowly being released from its lockdown.
Israel might have a third lockdown ( and perhaps a fourth election).
Sounds confusing?
It is.
Truth be told after consulting with my vast medical knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that no one anywhere on this planet has any idea how to deal with Covid. In both Israel and the USA people blame their leaders for not doing enough.
They should be doing what Europe is doing. Well Europe isn't doing it any better, are they ?
Lockdown everyone.
Lockdown no one.
Lockdown those that are most vulnerable.
Truth is all of these have been tried somewhere and the results are basically the same. The only exception is China.
I would not even bother to comment on that( Besides they are most likely monitoring this and every other blog on the planet, we love China).
The fact that this has become a political issue everywhere is also a bit disturbing. It seems that almost anyone can do a better job than those currently dealing with it. This is the same in every country no matter what policy is being followed.
It's a virus people.
It won't stop until it has run its course. You might be able to slow it down a bit ( maybe not) but until a vaccine is available ( more on that in a minute).
I will not get into what I think is the best course of action, as my consulting on this issue does not come for free, but in any case everyone needs to understand that there is little that can be done for now.
Unless the vaccines work.
This week Pfizer announced that they had a vaccine with a 90% efficacy. Two days later the Russians said they had one with 92% .
Seems theirs is better.
Israel, being very business savvy, has secured enough doses of both.
I have read that at least 50% of the people asked said they would not take the vaccine.
Crazy right.
Well I guess I am crazy. There is no way I would take this until I am sure I won't turn yellow or grow extra body parts. A 10 year approval process has been whittled down to 7 months people. Doesn't this concern you?
At least we can rest assured that there were no political considerations for a fast track approval.
Meanwhile, I will wait it out and see what happens to the rest of you.
I just came across a quote that I think sums it up.
" Just because I am crazy, doesn't mean I am wrong"
Maybe if I was in a high risk group I would think differently but I doubt it. I would just lock myself away for a while .
Speaking of which I am in the last few days of my 2 week isolation ( which was shortened today to 12 days) after returning from a 3 week trip to NYC. For the most part it has been relaxing but surprisingly I miss the noise of my grandchildren. I am sure that will change after 5 minutes of exposure , but that is how I feel today.
NYC was trippy but that story will need to wait for the next post, which will happen in less than 7 weeks.
Shabbat Shalom