23,544. That is a number I was not familiar with. I learned yesterday that is the number of Israeli Soldiers who died in the creation and defense of Israel. Last night marked the beginning of Yom Hazikaron, Memorial Day. The day started at 8 pm when a siren wailed across the entire country and everything comes to a stop. All traffic, news, radio - all stopped. Restaurants closed. TV broadcasts are suspended for all but the memorial ceremony. It can only be described as surreal. We were home alone, watching the ceremony taking place at the Kotel and we stood up with our heads bowed for the two minutes of the Siren.
Two minutes does not sound like a lot of time, but while it was happening you get to think of a lot of things. I thought about how my parents were born into a world in which Israel did not exist. I thought about how that world was violently taken away from them along with their families and their youth. I thought about how my children and I will never know a world without Israel and I thought about those who gave everything to make that happen. I then thought about how the world still doesn't care and I thought how a strong Israel is the only chance the Jews have for survival.
1,500,000, a big number. That is how many Israeli's will be going to the cemetery today. One in 5 citizens going to pay their respects to parents, children, grand children and friends of those who the made ultimate sacrifice to insure the safety of the Jewish people.
I must admit I don't feel entirely part of the day. I am new here for the most part. In the USA I knew about Yom Hazikaron but never participated in any events. I know people who have lost loved ones in the defense of my new country but thank g-d this is not something I have first hand knowledge ( or ever want to).
I never knew the number 23,544
In Israel when the siren starts,the world stops. This happens three times a year, every year. The first is the siren for Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. This Year I was on a plane going to London. We were waiting to take off and at 10 am the Siren rang.

Everyone on the plane got up for the two minutes of silence. I have never participated in Yom Hashoah. I have never gone to a program nor have I ever had the interest to. The holocaust was and is in my house every day but seeing everyone on the plane get up was moving.
The second siren happens a few days later to usher in the beginning of memorial day and the third happens at 11 am the next day. That siren has just rung out. I am home alone with my thoughts and once again stand up out of respect and contemplation. The noise of the traffic ceases outside my window and once again everything stops. The world is silent. It even seems as if the birds have stopped chirping .The siren ends and I go back to work.
Unfortunately though the need for the siren never ends. The battle for our existence never ends. Those seeking to destroy us never stop and so the numbers will change for next year and the sirens will continue.