One Down Four to Go
I hope all of you are actually informed about this post. It seems that last week more than half of my subscribers did not get the email. I am technologically inept with this stuff so I am not sure how to deal with it other than praying it will work this time. Speaking of praying. In my last post ( please read it if you haven't ) I made the observation that we only need 5 members of parliament to oppose the judicial override law and it will not pass.
Only 5 members, most likely from Likud, as they are the moderates now, need to say:
You know what? this is nuts! Many of us came from places with weak or nonexistent judiciaries and you know, it is not such a good idea, especially when half of the government ( I am being generous, it is more) are made up of real whack-a-doodles. (spell check had no suggestions so I am assuming the spelling is correct).
Last night, Yuli Edelstien, the former speaker of the Knesset , and former minister of health during Covid, a man who spent 3 years in a Soviet gulag for his opinions, said that he does not think an extreme version of the override law will pass and it is his guess that whatever does pass, ( and he believes something should as do I) will have a much broader consensus than the 64 current members of the coalition.
When asked if he would vote against it in its current form, he reiterated that in his opinion it will not pass as presented ( so read between the lines)
Since he is only one of 5 people needed to torpedo the law the way it is written, I hope he has some friends.
4 of them at least.
This was some of the best news I had heard in days.
Unfortunately it did not make the TV News.
Last night, the army went into Jenin and killed at least 6-9 members of Islamic Jihad who, according to Israel, were planning an imminent terrorist attack.
A civilian, a grandmother, was killed as well.
Watch the foreign news and that is all you will hear about. The UN security council was called to have an emergency session because of it.
I don’t advocate the killing of anyone’s grandparents but with all the stuff going on in the world, including the fact that Islamic Jihad was about to commit a major terrorist attack, it just makes it very hard to watch the news.
But I am addicted to it. I have not read a book in months because all I have time for is the news.
So depressing. My wife is smarter than me. She just avoids following the news and she is a much happier person than I am. She reads close to 100 books a year.
She does not read particularly fast, just relaxed.
I decided to stop letting Israeli current affairs get to me.
I love it here.
It is almost February , and I get to walk around without a coat. I got to see some movies ( Avatar and Babylon which were ok). Hang out with some of my kids, grandkids, friends etc.
If I can keep my mind focused, most of what goes on here is good. I just need to stay away from the news.
This is great advice.
Unfortunately, I decided to watch a YouTube by Corey Gil-Shuster today. As I mentioned in a previous post , he has a channel called ' ask an Israeli/ask a Palestinian Project.
I am mentioning it but don’t watch it.
Really , Don't. It is depressing as hell. (ok here is the link
This time the the question was " Israel exists, shouldn’t you deal with that"?
I have seen several of these but this is the first one I have seen that EVERY person asked essentially answered that they do not think there is any compromise and eventually the Jews will leave.
They all believe this.
I know I shouldn’t be shocked but ALL OF THEM?
Reality sucks.
It makes you realize that even if somehow the crazies don't weaken our democracy and split the country in two, the upside is our neighbors still want us dead.
If you didn't get last weeks email, let me know. If you don't get this weeks that is a problem as you wouldn't know.
Shabbat Shalom