Tick Tock
In the middle of last year I signed up for a service called Ivrit Talk. Essentially I pay for someone to call me on the phone and listen to me mangle the holy tongue ( Hebrew) several times a week. It is perfect for me. Usually I am very embarrassed to speak Hebrew, especially to those that understand it. This is great because I can mess up as much as I want since I don't know the person I am talking to. I also don't use Skype ® or Face-time ® so even if I run into them in the street I would never know.
As I said perfect.
So today I learned a bunch of new words
נפילה - Falling
הרקטה פיגעת - the rocket hits
בלתי נמנע inevitable.
Now, if I get the tenses correct, I can say בלתי נמנע שהטילים יפגעו במשהו שכן רבים כל כך נופלים which translates to 'it is inevitable that the rockets will hit something as so many are falling'
As most you probably know last night the Israeli air force decided to take out two leaders of the Islamic Jihad in Gaza. One was killed with his wife by a precision bomb dropped from a plane that killed only them and no one else.
Pretty sick.
The other guy was in Syria so he was a bit harder to get to. Unfortunately, the air-force missed. They killed his son. I am sure he is pissed.
The response to this has been close to 200 rockets ( as of this writing) shot indiscriminately towards the population centers of Israel. All schools from Tel Aviv south, were closed today. People were also told not to go to work. This can only mean that the army is preparing for an escalation.
In my last post I mentioned that war can break out at any time. I find myself , usually after our air force does something supremely cool, waiting for a war to begin. Our enemies, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Syria, Iran , will only sit by for so long as we constantly bitch slap them in public. So some kind of escalation in inevitable בלתי נמנע.
Of course people started to blame the prime minister for trying to turn scrutiny away from himself by starting a war ( see the movie wag the dog). Benny Ganz, the man who would be king, backed Bebe's decision. He siad it was the right move and everyone must support the government with these actions.
He just went up a few notches in my book.
The one benefit was that since there was no school my grand-kids came over.
My wife said she wanted to go run an errand and I told her not to.
' If the siren goes off it will be difficult for me to take two babies to the shelter'
She agreed
It didn't even sound weird.
I guess that's the reality that we will live with for a long time.
I still love it here. The weather is 80 and for those of you who are not aware it is Mid-November.
I also I am protected by the most advanced, experienced army in the world.
That said , this all sucks. Waiting for a war sucks. Worrying about your loved ones sucks. Worrying about the men and women protecting us sucks. Even thinking about what will happen to the pawns in Gaza sucks.
I need something to take my mind off of the situation
Maybe I will write a blog.